


Falconer, William




1744 - 1824


An essay on the bath waters: In four parts. Containing a prefatory introduction on the study of mineral waters in general. Part I. An Account of their possible Impregnations. Part II. The most approved Means to be used for the Discovery of their Contents. Part III. Experiments on the Bath Waters, with an Application of the foregoing Rules to a Discovery of their Contents. Part IV. On the Effects of the Bath Waters on the human Body, and the Propriety of their Use in Medicine, with an Application of the Experiments to Medicine and Pharmacy. [Vol. 1] More

An essay on the bath waters: on their external use. In two parts. Part I. On warm bathing in general. Part II. On the external use of the bath waters. [Vol. 2] More

Observations on Dr. Cadogan's Dissertation on the gout and all chronic diseases More

A dissertation on the influence of the passions upon disorders of the body More

An essay on the preservation of the health of persons employed in agriculture, and on the cure of the diseases incident to that way of life More

Observations respecting the pulse : intended to point out with greater certainty, the indications which it signifies; especially in feverish complaints. By W. Falconer, M.D. F.R.S. Physician to the General Hospital, Bath More

Remarks On The Influence Of Climate, Situation, Nature Of Country, Population, Nature Of Food, And Way Of Life: On The Disposition and Temper, Manners and Behaviour, Intellects, Laws and Customs, Form of Government, and Religion, Of Mankind More

Observations on Some of the Articles of Diet and Regimen Usually Recommended to Valetudinarian More

An Account of the Efficacy of the Aqua Mephitica Alkalina More

On the Preservation of the Health of Persons Employed in Agriculture, and of the Cure of Diabetes Incident to that Way of Life More

Dissertation on the Influence of the Passions upon Disorders of the Body More

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