


Payne, Thomas




1718 - 1799


Defence of Usury: Shewing the Impolicy of the Present Legal Restraints on the terms of Pecuniary Bargains Mehr

Essays, moral, economical, and political Mehr

The light of nature pursued. Volume 1. Part 1. Human Nature Mehr

The light of nature pursued. Volume 1. Part 2. Human Nature Mehr

Remarks on several parts of Turkey. Aegyptiaca, or some account of the antient and modern state of Egypt as obtained in the years 1801 - 02 Mehr

Observations on a series of electrical experiments : By Dr Hoadly, and Mr Wilson, Fellows of the Royal Society (1756) Mehr

An Account of the Diseases which Were Most Frequent in the British Military Hospitals in Germany From January 1761 to the Return of the Troops to England in March 1763 Mehr

An account of the musical performances in Westminster-Abbey, and the Pantheon: May 26th, 27th, 29th; and June the 3d, and 5th, 1784. In commemoration of Handel. Mehr

The Gardeners Kalendar: directing the necessary works to be done every month in the kitchen, fruit, and pleasure-gardens, As also in the Conservatory and Nursery: Shewing I. The particular Seasons for propagating Esculent Plants and Fruits, with the Time when each Sort is proper for the Table. II. The proper Seasons for transplanting Trees, Shrubs, and Plants, with the Time of their Flowering Mehr

The History and Present State of Electricity with Original Experiments Mehr

Speculations and Conjectures on the Qualities of the Nerves Mehr

The History of Sumatra Mehr

Two Dissertations on Poetical and Musical Imitation Mehr

A Tour Through the Isle of Man Mehr

An Impartial enquiry into the case of the gospel demoniacks Mehr

Case of a Wound of the Throat Successfully Treated Mehr

A Free inquiry into Daniel's vision of prophecy of the seventy weeks Mehr

Observations On Modern Gardening illustrated by descriptions Mehr

Observations On Modern Gardening Mehr

Travels through the middle settlements in North-America, in the years 1759 and 1760 Mehr

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