Describing the origin and progress of the British power at sea; the extension of its commerce; its foreign conquests; and the establishment and growth of its colonies. Including the naval expeditions and sea-fights in every period of the English history, and particularly recording the glorious atchievements in the last war. Also the lives and actions of those illustrious commanders and navigators, who have contributed to spread the fame, and increase the power of the British Empire. Particularly designed to excite in the breasts of Britons, at this important crisis, a noble ardour, to emulate such bright examples; and, by their firmness and valour, to secure to themselves and posterity, that envied pre-eminence which their enemies have in vain attempted to subvert. In this work many new lights are thrown on transactions and characters, by means of valuable manuscripts, never before consulted by any historian. By Frederic Hervey, Esq; and others. In five volumes
Adlard, William
940 Geschichte Europas
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